Get rid of nagging pain through a customized approach to fitness built specifically for YOU

Googling your problem and following general exercise suggestions isn’t helping you, it’s keeping you stuck.

can you relate?

  • You spend about 30 minutes “getting loose” or “mobilizing” before your workout because you’re so stiff 

  • Your back always hurts when you deadlift or your knees always hurt when you squat

  • You say “no” to things like hiking or trying a new activity with your kid because you’re unsure if your body might hurt afterward 

  • You have to say “no” to picking up your dog or kid because you’re not strong enough

  • You are embarrassed to workout on your own in a gym because you feel LOST 

  • You’ve tried to start an exercise routine before but it always backfires and you end up in pain so you have to “rest” until it feels better 

  • You don’t have the “time” to focus on your health because you have a billion things on your plate, where do you even begin? The thought is overwhelming so you never actually START

what if…

  • You had a plan to follow that you KNEW was what you should be doing to solve your nagging aches and pains - no more guessing! 

  • Instead of constantly “working around it”, you were working to FIX the root cause of the problem 

  • You could say “yes” to ANY activity to want without hesitation because you have confidence in your stronger body 

  • Instead of fearing how your body will feel as you age, you are excited to see how resilient you can make your body 

  • You have the education around what discomfort levels are ok and when you should stop, you understand how stress impacts your body, you have the confidence on how to modify workouts on your own depending on how your body feels that day 

  • You finally get OFF the hamster wheel of getting re-injured over and over and different problems piling on top of one another


my 1-1 offers are perfect for 3 different types of people…

You are the functional fitness gym regular gym goer + lifter with always something going on. Maybe one week it’s your shoulder that’s tweaked, the next it’s your knees, or maybe your back starts hurting too. No matter how much you modify or avoid certain exercises, nothing seems to get better. Maybe you’ve tried chiropractor, massages, acupuncture, physical therapy and it feels better temporarily… but nothing seems to get you the LASTING progress you’re really wanting. 

I know you don’t want to have to deal with this forever, so let’s make a change, yeah? 

Returning to exercise - You are someone who has never exercised regularly OR you have taken an extended time off (more than 3 months) of exercise due to life or injuries. You KNOW that exercise is good for you and that you should do it, you just can’t figure out how to be consistent without irritating old injuries, aches, or pains popping up. So you’re stuck in the cycle of MOVE -> get hurt -> rest until it feels better -> MOVE -> it hurts again -> rest until it feels better, ETC. 

Let’s get you UN-STUCK and moving forward! 

Post physical therapy - You are someone who has done physical therapy for your injury or post surgery physical therapy and you feel like you’re no where CLOSE to being able to run again or lift again. They probably suggested “ease back into it”..... You have no idea what “ease back into it means” for you and you feel “unfinished” with your rehab. You want to make sure you do everything you can to avoid the likelihood of RE-INJURY! This is where I come in. I know how to pick up where physical therapy left off and can progress you SAFELY to get you back to the active lifestyle you desire.

why choose me?

I’m Ashley - An ex-crossfit addict turned into professional coach who is obsessed with helping the people who haven’t been able to find the results they want in healthcare OR the fitness industry. I’ve been a coach since 2013 and I’ve helped hundreds of people throughout my career so far. I got frustrated in the group class coaching setting because I didn’t actually know how to solve REAL problems - the person who always had back pain, or a nagging shoulder, or had to avoid squats because it hurt their knees.

I saw WAY MORE of these people coming into the gym looking for results than the people who just felt good all the time. I got sick of modifying but not knowing how to actually SOLVE these issues for people. 

In 2020 I broke my ankle and that fast tracked me towards learning how to help these types of people. Throughout my own rehab process post surgery, I saw how truly incomplete my physical therapy felt and I didn’t know where to turn. This led me to finding Active Life and going through their 15 month coaching education program (AL-P) where I learned exactly how to help this person. 

Through extensive assessments, testing, and learning more about YOU, I’m able to put the puzzle pieces together about WHY you’re feeling the way you are and make a customized plan to move you towards where you want to GO!



The talk

of the town

  • Jess K.

    So much about working together was different and so amazing! I feel like I learned so much, both about myself and strength training! Because of your specialized knowledge around treating injuries with strength training and the personalized plan, I was able to improve on the building blocks of the movements, instead of just being thrown into a class and following everyone else's lead. The work we did to increase my range of motion was a real game changer! I really credit you with the fact that I have stuck with strength training this long and plan to make it a priority for the rest of my life in some capacity.

    SO MANY TAKEAWAYS! I think I have changed my mindset so much about diet and exercise since we started working together. Even though we never technically worked together around nutrition, it was honestly a game changer to have a coach tell me that I should probably be eating more when I'm trying to get stronger. Society had been doing a pretty good job up until recently of convincing me that I needed to eat less to be a woman worthy of existing. The positive and fact based approach around nutrition and training that you bring to the table has improved my life so much! I've also learned so much about specific movements and gotten considerably stronger in our time together, but I'll never be able to thank you enough about helping me get my mind right and changing the way I think about fueling my life, while I'm training and while I'm not.

  • Kristen M.

    Working with Ashley is the best thing I ever did for myself. I had 2 flare ups related to my disc injury as I worked with her (not from training, Obvs) and both times she talked me off the ledge and coached me through it. Each time I recovered quicker. She didn’t just throw workouts at me, she TAUGHT me. I can graduate from her programming bc she gave me the strength and the tools to keep healing. I’m so much stronger than I was pre-injury. I may not be doing as heavy of lifts, but my body moves like it should now and I can do all the things I enjoy doing again. She’s an incredibly talented coach and an awesome human. She listens, encourages, and teaches more than anyone else I’ve ever met. You can’t go wrong working with her. I’m incredibly thankful for the time I’ve had with her and for the life she’s helped me get back.

  • Ashley F.

    This is the first time in YEARS I've been able to squat or lunge with no knee pain. I feel really strong and have had very little to no pain in my knees which feels like a miracle. It has improved my quality of life being able to walk around with no pain. Thank you SO much! This consistency is giving me a lot of confidence, and I actually LIKE going to the gym which hasn't been true for me in a long time!

  • Danielle A.

    "This has brought me to new levels! After 2 back surgeries and losing my fit self and feeling completely defeated, I'm back in CrossFit for the first time in 8 years!

  • Len C.

    This is the first time I’ve ever exercised consistently pain free! I am already seeing results, feeling better, and I have more energy. Thank you! You are changing my life.

  • Mike F.

    "I really appreciate the attention you're paying to strengthening me and increasing my range of motion independently and evenly. It's exactly what I need!

  • Nicole T.

    The changes in my body are real and I can't thank you enough for the progress I have made and want to continue making!

  • Ryan D.

    Feeling confident in going to social events and enjoying myself without ruining what I've worked so hard on. I can thank you for that!

  • Aranza R.

    These past few months have helped me to better understand my body, and how to navigate between what makes me feel good and what doesn’t. I think it’s amazing how a sustainable and simple change in my way of eating and seeing food could change so much in me and my relationship with food, you think “it’s only a diet” but nutrition is definitely so much more than that.


What we’re about

At Embrace Coaching, we are motivated by not only what WORKS - but what works for YOU. Each person is fueled by different ways of nurturing and moving their body. We’re about helping you maintain those proper moving patterns, routines, schedules, and diets that bring life and power into your relationship with exercise and food. For more information on who your coach, accountability partners, and team are throughout your Embrace Journey, click below.